Our sample taps in conjunction with the appropriate double block and bleed valve are second to none. The A+ Corporation sample probes are the most versatile and safest membrane tip probes on the market. Sample probes are safely retractable during operation for both high and low pressure applications.

Established in 2000 and located in the UK, Pressure Tech is recognised globally for manufacturing high-quality ISO-9001 certified pressure regulators for oil and gas applications.
Pressure Tech regulators are used worldwide with a majority being exported for use on critical high-pressure control systems such as wellhead control panels, gas analyser systems, hyperbaric diving systems and hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Sample probes for combustion control and emissions monitoring. Sample probes that remove undesirable particulates at the sampling point and avoid cold spots thus preventing false measurements. Bühler probes are easy to maintain without requiring a lot of tools. Their designs are suitable for critical ambient conditions such as explosive areas and provide weather protection.
Genie™ and Headline filters™ cover all sample conditioning applications form the lab right through to high flowing saturated process gas samples. Our sample conditioning products are capable of taking any sample of extreme conditions and conditioning it to be compatible with the measurement requirements.

All instruments are assets that must be protected to ensure longevity and reliability, especially analytical equipment. INTERTEC™ has designed and shipped over a million outdoor enclosures since 1965, to protect equipment operating in the most demanding operating conditions on Earth – from Arctic regions to the hottest desert.
Sun Shades SS 316
- Simple instrument protection for high temperatures from sunlight
- Easy access to transmitter
- Mounting available for any transmitter on the market. custom brackets available.
- Full 316 Stainless Steel Design